Rental - by owner
Several Apartments near Clay Kasserne
from € 2500 to 3200 by Elke Büchl in Wiesbaden, Jan 25
Several exclusive apartments from 2-4 bedrooms near Clay Kaserne in a quiet area of Wiesbaden, exit Nordenstadt. The dewllings are in a very nice neighbourhood with underground parking, built-in-kitchen, big terrace or balcony, tiles or wood floor in each room. These apartments are ideal for people with allergies. Everything is included in the rent except GAS and ELECTRIC. Please note that the underground parking garage or a private parking spot are also included in the rent. If you need more than 1 parking spot, please let me know, and if available at the time of apartment rental, you may be able to rent an additional parking spot at the dwelling for an additional € 120,- per month. Some of the apartments have a fenced in playground for use of the tenants only and you may use the garden adjacent to the apartment for recreational purposes.
Posted in: Rental - by owner.
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